Pre-Trip Photo Gallery

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January 30, 2008 our class met at Matsuya Restaurant to sample Japanese food. Jackie, Katie, Christina, Angie and Jonathon M. had a great time using their chopsticks.  They've been practicing for weeks! Kierstin, Tracy, Edgar, Jennifer, Helen and Jonathan P. join in the fun. Everyone loved the kaiseki meal, from grilled fish to sushi to tempura.  There wasn't much left on our plates. In class on Febuary 13 we had chopstick races.  The next day was Valentine's Day, so everyone had to fill their cup with red, white and pink candies. No fair!  Helen has been using chopsticks longer that most of us have lived. Edgar was determined to win or at least not be last. Edgar and Tracy finished while Jonathan P. works determinedly. Jonathan has only been using chopsticks for a few weeks, but he's up to the challenge. Christina celebrates!  She's proud of her new skills. We all cheer on Kierstin.  Someone had to be last, but she was not far behind the others.  Go, Kierstin! Steve taught everyone the Japanese for giving directions.  Then we had to lead our partners through a maze of desks and chairs.  Christina tells Jonathon M. "Masugu, masugu! (straight)" Jonathan P. volunteered to practice his Japanese first with his partner.  His directions were perfect. Edgar just maneuvered a right turn "Migi magatte" from Angie. Now it's Jonathon's turn to direct Christina.  It's tricky because they each went through the maze a different way. Jennifer and Tracy developed a song and hand gestures to help them remember each word. Tracy shimmies along as Jennifer sings out the directions.  Everyone had a great time and there were no bumps, bruises or overturned chairs.  Congratulations! Steve prepares for the Great Suitcase Race!  We can't get the suitcases dirty, so he carefully wrapped each brick. Helen gives directions - five bricks in each suitcase for 32.5 pounds and one brick per backpack. Christina leads the way which is so appropriate.  She convinced Helen to develop the course in 2006.  Everyone else is happy that she had such a great idea. Jonathan Pecht, Sandra Sieben and Jonathan Minelli are cheered as they start down the first set of stairs.  Our hilly campus made a great simulation of a train station's ups and downs. Each travel team raced the course together.  Kierstin, Christina and Angie head down the stairs.  It's not as croweded as a Japanese train station, but it's the best we can do. Cooperation won the day!  They finished with the best time for the course. Jackie, Katie and Edgar come up the home stretch, after negotiating the stairs in the Harrington Center. Everyone got into the spirit, smiling as they headed for the finish line. At the finish line everyone celebrates!   Who cares which team won?  We're going to Japan in 14 days!